Program Stages
Six steps to make future parents happy – and to make you financially independent!
1/ Introduction
Filling out the questionnaire, providing photos and videos of you and your relatives, and submitting documents about your education.
2/ Medical Examination
Support is provided during the medical examination at your place of residence, and all expenses are covered by the agency.
3/ Arrival
A few days before the start of your menstrual cycle, tickets are purchased, and you travel to the country where the program will take place.
4/ Ovulation Stimulation
Hormonal drugs are used to increase the number of growing follicles. To prevent side effects, it is important to select them correctly. The partner clinics we collaborate with have this capability. Our donors are given medications individually based on their test results.
5/ Egg Retrieval
The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. The anesthesiologist administers either general or local anesthesia. The donor is placed in a gynecological chair. Under ultrasound guidance, the doctor performs a vaginal puncture of the abdominal cavity, followed by a puncture of the ovarian follicles to retrieve the necessary eggs. No incisions are made on the body, the procedure leaves no scars, and access to the ovaries is through the vagina.
6/ Observation, Discharge, Compensation
There may be slight discomfort, pulling pain, and weakness - this passes within a day without medication. During this time, you will be under the supervision of doctors, and only after they are sure that your condition is normal, will they provide you with recommendations and discharge you from the clinic. Our agency will then pay you monetary compensation. There is also emotional compensation - the happiness for an infertile couple to whom the donor gave the chance to become parents.